Хочу выразить благодарность всему медперсоналу клиники «Мардалеишвили», в которой 6 июня 2019 года нам сделали трансплантацию стволовых клеток. Моей дочери 6 лет и в 3 года нам поставили диагноз аутизм.
For concerned parents there may be a medical issue with their child, it’s important to get a proper examination and diagnosis from a medical professional. No amount of Internet research is going to give the same reliable results as an… Далее
For concerned parents there may be a medical issue with their child, it’s important to get a proper examination and diagnosis from a medical professional. No amount of Internet research is going to give the same reliable results as an actual exam from an experienced medical practitioner. However, if you suspect that your child’s problem may run deeper than a bout with a childhood disease, such as measles, and there may be a long-standing medical condition at play, you may want to consider having your child evaluated and brought to an autism center.